Our Latest Posts

Drinking Pivo in Prague

Drinking Pivo in Prague

The average Czech person drinks 1.5 litres of beer a day (or Pivo as the locals call it). I've heard slightly lower estimates (down to a modest 160 litres per year) but that's what our guide on a free walking tour of Prague told us at least. That was also enough for...

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Why Exercise is Important

Why Exercise is Important

By the end of last year the only exercise we were getting was a light walk to and from the train or tube each day. That was it. We weren't getting any form of regular exercise despite it being a clear and important factor in a happy life based on...

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Our Happiness Project

Our Happiness Project

 In a year where we experienced one of life's greatest highs (getting married) and a lot of amazing trips, we ended 2014 exhausted, fat, unfit and feeling a bit directionless. Don't get us wrong, there were a lot of positive points and awesome things we did last year...

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The Year Ahead – 2015

The Year Ahead – 2015

 We're fans of change. I know for myself, I crave change probably every 2 - 3 months. After a crazy 2014 which saw us all over the show (and globe), we have learnt a few things and are changing accordingly. The easiest change so far has been how we travel. We very...

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Our Incredible 2014

Our Incredible 2014

 It's that time again - our annual year in review post! We've had some pretty awesome ones in the last couple years but seeing as we got married in 2014, it was our best so far and definitely going to be a hard one to beat! Given that we were looking forward to our...

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Our Kiwi Christmas roadtrip

Our Kiwi Christmas roadtrip

We had been planning a Kiwi Christmas trip back to NZ since back when we first got engaged. We thought being recently married was a great excuse to get back to NZ and see our family and friends there. The biggest downside to a trip to NZ from the UK (other than the...

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