Mommy Comes to Visit
Since Mom doesn’t get to travel outside of Canada very often, I really wanted her to try and go somewhere besides London for a few days. After a bit of back and forth and not having a lot of time to go to another country, we settled on going to Glasgow for a weekend. Most of you would probably think there isn’t much going on in Glasgow and wonder why would we want to go there out of all the other places in the UK. My Grandma (Hi Grandma!) and Great Aunties grew up in Glasgow before moving to Canada and I’ve always wanted to see the house they lived in. There was no better time to do that than with Mom! After a quick train ride from Glasgow train station we checked off number 10 on our 100 Things List – Visit the house Dayna’s Grandma grew up in in Glasgow.
Mom also wanted to see the church they used to attend. Grandma told us it was right around the corner from their house but when we got to the end of the street there 2 churches – one to our left and one to our right. We came to the conclusion it was the one to the left. Were we right, Grandma?
We didn’t go into the house (anyone else think it’s a bit weird to ask a stranger if you can take a look inside?) and without my Grandma there to point out different things there wasn’t much point anyway but it was awesome to see it and remember all the stories she told me of growing up there.
The rest of our time in Glasgow was spent walking around pretty much the whole city. We went to parks, the Botanical Gardens, the Glasgow Cathedral, and ate delicious food (no haggis though!).
We also stumbled across these guys – you know you’re in Scotland when…
[flickr video=9570255697 secret=c060d974a5 w=640 h=360]
Mom gave us the greatest surprise leaving gift as well – she cleaned our entire flat while we were at work! Feel free to come back any time Mom 😉
All kidding aside, seeing my Mom for the first time in 2 years and having her see what our life is like on the other side of the world was so special. Two weeks wasn’t long enough! I miss you already, Mom!
This is so gorgeous, sounds like you had a fabulous time together! (and eeeee to the dress!). It really does make such a HUGE difference having family come to visit and see where you live and work, and what your daily life is like. I know having my brother visit us in Whistler was a huge treat – he’s the only one who really GOT the magic of that place for us. We are so very lucky to have had our whole families (and plenty of friends) come and see us in London so I know exactly how you feel – I just want them to come back again!! You and your mom (mum) look SO happy together – sww!
This made me teary. I’m so glad you both had that time together!
so happy you had a great time with your mom. you were right it was the church on the left. you took beautiful pictures especially of the cathedral where I sang as a youngster when our schools got together for special services during WW 11 looking forwar to your blogs and to seeing you both next year. Is Sushi the squirrel still around? hugs fr Grandma xoxoxoxox